We are a self-pay counseling service

This means our focus is fully on you, without the delays or restrictions that often come with insurance. You receive personalized, flexible care with no middleman involved.

Schedule an Appointment:

(615) 437-7677
Session Rates
1 Hour (53 minutes)................................
30 minutes..............................................

Cancellation Policy

Canceling or rescheduling a session is completely free as long as we have a 24 hours notice. Only in the case of a last minute cancellation taking place within 24 hours is there a $35 fee.

Get Started Today

Schedule An Appointment

Mesage Received!

Congratulations on taking the first step toward a stronger future.

We'll be reaching out to you ASAP
If you need to contact us urgently, please use the contact information here and get in touch ASAP. In the case of an emergency, please call 911 immediately. 
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