Who is Sean?

Sean's primary focus is trauma counseling at the outpatient level of care which involves addressing issues with anxiety and depression as well as childhood/adult trauma, grief and loss, addiction, and other stressful events or adjustments in life.

The bulk of his experience is in outpatient community mental health, but he has also worked in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers working with individuals and groups.

His primary focus is trauma counseling at the outpatient level of care which involves addressing issues with anxiety and depression as well as childhood/adult trauma, grief and loss, addiction, and other stressful events or adjustments in life.

Education: Sean holds a masters degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville Ohio and uses a solutions focused approach in his therapy, working together with his clients openly and honestly, toward their desired goals, health, wellness, and peace.

Sean currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Rebecca, their children Joanna, Lucy, and Maximilian, and their dog Ophelia.

Get In Touch
You didn't come this far, just to come this far.

Whether you need a safe space to say what you've never said, a sounding board to bounce ideas off of, or a source of new questions, I want to work with you to explore new perspectives and learn who you were, who you are now, and who you want to become.

In this world of infinite possibility, invest in yourself, learn to trust yourself by finally following through on the life you imagine. I will be with you as you take each step forward.
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